Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Rebuttal of Ignis Ardens as a credible blog

From England I am happy to state that this disreputable and farcical site does not speak with the voice of majority for Catholic tradition as far as I am aware and I find it reprehensible that www surfers might think it does. It categorically does not! I had never heard of it prior to being advised that I was under personal attack on the site and most people in the Tradition will be in the same blissful ignorance.

Most responsible blogs carry this kind of note if traffic and topics warrant. “While critical comment on stories & issues is welcomed, postings that descend to personal attacks on or impugn the integrity of other commentators will be blocked.”

This Blog does not in practice adhere to any such standards, frankly I could not bear to trawl through such a suppurating mess of egos, to see if I could find any hidden noble gems – it was so awful, I had to stop. These folk are really unhinged, most members seem unbalanced and incapable of rational dialogue although occasionally a little reason appears from one or two sane members..

This Blog page certainly upholds Mr Chesterton’s remarks, plastered all over the site, “If a thing is worth doing it is worth doing badly” This Blog, when all else fails, falls back on the old chestnut “there must be Jewish blood there” If a topic under discussion upsets them. This was done in my case.

Their Topics disguise scurrility and true intent. Rather than put anti-dinoscopus as a topic they put ‘scandal’ but by page two the knives are out for Dorothy banks. I am accused of using “we” instead of “I”, well to ease your troubled minds read “ I”. I am taking full responsibility for my words.

They condemn me for anonymity (2008) which was for a specific purpose while they bully the world from behind their pseudonyms. They are the moral cowards and corrupted by their sense of unrestrained power.

Much has been made of” anti-dinoscopus”, too much, do you know what the word means? Then you got in a hoo ha over ante-dinoscopus.. really ! do you understand anything about how blog pages work? Clearly you have the conspiracy bug on this site!

While debating my existence one of the charming members wrote as follows

Let's hope not. I think it is noticeable that Fr. Morgan has chosen to use the most lenient option available to him for the time being. The foolishness of Miss Banks, and the public calumnies of one or two others within the District, could be dealt with using a greater measure of severity should it become necessary.

Looks like she is now using Google sponsored links to promote her blog. Do a Google search for "dinoscopus" and her blog appears as a sponsored link [click the link and it will charge her account].

Repeat 50 times!!! Can her account balance take the strain???

I wonder who is running SSPX in this country – this makes it sound like ignis ardens are! Self appointed internet police, a blot on the name of catholic, the worst sort of Church Hall gossip.

Dorothy Banks