Sunday, 6 October 2013

Let us love the Angels

At least I will declare in these pages that you are all-amiable, all loving, and alas, very little loved. I will cry aloud to all who read “Come ye and join in love and devotion to the angels”

Love the angels; they are friends pre-eminently faithful, powerful advocates and protectors, most wise masters, fathers, brothers, all filled with love for us. They are the patrons, protectors, and advocates of all men without distinction, of every sate and of every class.

 Love the angels, ye apostolic men; they are the heavenly missionaries of Paradise.

 Love the angels, ye preachers and doctors, for they are the adepts in heavenly science, and in the ravishing  eloquence of eternity.

 Love the angels, ye who are the priests of the Lord; it is by their hands that the Sacrifice is offered to the divine majesty.

 Love the angels ye who dwell in the retirement of cloisters, or in the seclusion of solitude; these admirable spirits are always retired in God, and always behold His face.

 Love the angels, ye who appear in public, who live amidst the world; these pure Intelligences abide there  with you.

 Love the angels, ye married persons; the example of the holy Archangel Raphael, who conducted Tobias, admirably displays the care they take of your state.

 Love the angels, ye widows and orphans; for none may be compared to them in the charitable help they give  to those who need.

Love the angels, O virgins – yes I repeat it, love the angels with fervour, O ye virgins they are the great friends of virginity; nay they are its admirers, beholding this precious treasure in fragile vessels, and creatures so weak living on earth as they themselves live in heaven.

 Love the angels, O ye just; they are the guides of holiness.

 Love the angels, O ye sinners; they are for you a sure refuge.

 Love the angels, O ye who are afflicted, who are poor and in misery; they are the consolation and resource of all who sorrow.

 Love the angels , ye rich and powerful, ye great ones of this world; these are the heavenly luminaries who will enlighten you to see that all which passes is contemptible and that you should sigh only after a blessed eternity.

Yes O men!

 Love the Seraphim; they are the princes of pure love.
 Love the Cherubim; they are the great doctors of the science of the saints.
 Love the Thrones; they are the patrons of true repose of soul and tranquil peace of heart.
 Love the Dominations; they will teach you to become masters of yourself and of all things, raising you above all created beings by an intimate union with the creator.
 Love the Virtues; they are the masters of the way of holy perfection.
 Love the Powers; they are your defenders against the malice, the rage, and the power of the devils.
 Love the Principalities; it is they who watch so diligently over the welfare of kingdoms, states, and those who govern.
 Love the Archangels; for they are zealous for the common good, and we receive at their hands benefits without number in provinces, towns and villages, and in every part of the world.
 Love in fine the angels of the last choir (Guardian angels) they are stars whose celestial influences we feel the more often because they are nearer to us, watching over the good of each one of us in particular with an ineffable love and care. Henceforth let our love be as of fire for these pure flames of love empyreal, and let us never cease from loving those who are never weary of doing us good, and loading us with every favour.

  Devotion to the Nine Choirs of Angels - Henry Marie Boudin 1869.

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